Teetering on the Edge of a New Year (Revised)

https://www.lpm.org/music/2023-12-29/mels-diner-goodbye-to-2023 (This post is revised from "Teetering on the Edge of New Year", posted January 2021. https://peripheralwisdom.com/2021/01/ ) I am one of those annoying people who truly like and appreciate New Year's Resolutions. When I was growing up, I wrote HUGE lists of resolutions for each New Year. Back then, those resolutions were things like find a … Continue reading Teetering on the Edge of a New Year (Revised)

LEGALISM:  What It Is and Why People are Drawn to It

There were a lot of rules growing up in a small-town Texas conservative church back in the 1970s and 80s:  Girls couldn’t wear slacks to church OR to school, never mind wearing jeans.  Dancing was a no-go because it could lead to other bad things.  (“Don’t have sex because it might lead to dancing!” was … Continue reading LEGALISM:  What It Is and Why People are Drawn to It

Teetering on the Edge of a New Year

https://physicsworld.com/a/physics-world-review-of-2020-a-year-were-glad-to-say-goodbye-to/ It’s hard to even know what to say as 2020 comes to a close. 2020 has been a year like no other, “unprecedented!”, as we have heard, ad nauseum. Social media the last few days has been full of people summarizing the good, bad, and horrible of the past year. I've really enjoyed reading … Continue reading Teetering on the Edge of a New Year

The Importance of Facing Your Fears

Fear can paralyze you. Coming home from the YMCA last evening, after a much needed workout, I heard something on the radio that really made me think.  The station was running an advertisement for some seminar or speaking engagement or book signing or something, and the ad guy made a statement that kind of shocked me. … Continue reading The Importance of Facing Your Fears