Teetering on the Edge of a New Year (Revised)

https://www.lpm.org/music/2023-12-29/mels-diner-goodbye-to-2023 (This post is revised from "Teetering on the Edge of New Year", posted January 2021. https://peripheralwisdom.com/2021/01/ ) I am one of those annoying people who truly like and appreciate New Year's Resolutions. When I was growing up, I wrote HUGE lists of resolutions for each New Year. Back then, those resolutions were things like find a … Continue reading Teetering on the Edge of a New Year (Revised)

Presidential Debates and Walk-In Closets

https://www.familyhandyman.com/list/12-awesome-closet-storage-hacks/ One thing that I’ve always disliked about the house we’ve lived in for close to 35 years now (how can I be old enough to have lived in this house that long??)  is its lack of walk-in closets.  My husband and I both tend to be packrats, with me being the worst offender, so … Continue reading Presidential Debates and Walk-In Closets

You Mad, Bro? A.k.a. Anger, Bitterness, and Blame are Making You Emotionally Toxic (COVID-19)

https://steptohealth.com/7-toxic-emotions-that-are-keeping-you-from-being-happy/ I wasn’t sure if I was brave enough to post this today, but here goes. I get it.  You’re frustrated and angry about the COVID-19 situation.  Things taking too long.  Not taking things seriously early enough.  Whose fault it is.  The lack of preparation.  The deaths.  The total disruption of society world-wide.  The financial … Continue reading You Mad, Bro? A.k.a. Anger, Bitterness, and Blame are Making You Emotionally Toxic (COVID-19)