Wait… What if we DON’T Win??

In just a few days, we’ll know the outcome of the 2020 election cycle.  We are all ready to be done with this process, because it’s been pretty nasty and contentious out there, especially when you factor in, well, 2020.  There are some really big issues being decided and candidates being elected, not the least … Continue reading Wait… What if we DON’T Win??

Presidential Debates and Walk-In Closets

https://www.familyhandyman.com/list/12-awesome-closet-storage-hacks/ One thing that I’ve always disliked about the house we’ve lived in for close to 35 years now (how can I be old enough to have lived in this house that long??)  is its lack of walk-in closets.  My husband and I both tend to be packrats, with me being the worst offender, so … Continue reading Presidential Debates and Walk-In Closets

Living With Uncertainty

One thing that I really hate about the idea of dying someday is that I won’t know all the things that will be discovered in the future. Think about how different the world is today than it was 100 years ago.  It’s so different!  And I would love to know what discoveries will be made … Continue reading Living With Uncertainty

Feel What You Feel (COVID-19)

https://weheartit.com/entry/214740260 Thankfully, I haven’t yet lost anyone I know personally to COVID-19.    Unfortunately, people I know HAVE had loved ones succumb to this horrid virus, and it is heartbreaking to hear their stories.  They are devastated. Their grief and pain is understandable.  We understand the connection between someone dying and feeling grief.  Most of … Continue reading Feel What You Feel (COVID-19)

Keeping Your Head Above Water (COVID-19)

https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/listing/533820594/keep-your-head-above-water-figurative?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=anchored_listing How’s everyone doing out there?  Things aren’t normal, that’s for sure. If you are feeling an increase in anxiety, depression, anger, fear, or general irritability right now, you aren’t alone.   Society has been in shock for a few weeks because of COVID-19 and all the changes that come with this virus, but now, we … Continue reading Keeping Your Head Above Water (COVID-19)

What’s Your WHY? (January 1, 2018)

You’ve Got to Know Your “WHY” to do your “WHAT”. Welcome to 2018!  I’m moving a tad bit slowly this morning after having a busy day and late night last night.  You might be feeling the same way.  So, here we are, Day 1 of this brand new New Year!  How are you this morning?  … Continue reading What’s Your WHY? (January 1, 2018)