Unexpected Pandemic Gifts

Here in Washington state, we've been told not to sing during in-person worship services during the height of this pandemic, or at least until January 4, 2021. https://thenationalreporterng.com/face-coverings-to-be-mandatory-in-cinemas-and-churches-in-england-from-august-8/ Important Note: My post, here, isn't to debate whether that recommendation is good/appropriate/reasonable/lawful, or not. So please don't go there in the comments, OK? Instead, I want … Continue reading Unexpected Pandemic Gifts

2020 Christmas in a Pandemic: Tidings of Comfort and JOY??

It’s 10 short days until Christmas 2020, during the most upside-down, twisted, and isolated holiday season that most of us have ever experienced. We’re all a bit weary.Kind of melancholy.All up in our heads.Feeling all the feels.Or feeling nothing at all, then feeling guilty about feeling nothing. Holidays have traditionally, and for the most part … Continue reading 2020 Christmas in a Pandemic: Tidings of Comfort and JOY??