Wait… What if we DON’T Win??

In just a few days, we’ll know the outcome of the 2020 election cycle.  We are all ready to be done with this process, because it’s been pretty nasty and contentious out there, especially when you factor in, well, 2020.  There are some really big issues being decided and candidates being elected, not the least … Continue reading Wait… What if we DON’T Win??


If you are like most humans, you’re pretty much ready to say buh-bye to 2020. 2020 - the year that just keeps on giving! 2020 - full of button-pushing, never-seen-that-before, the-worst-it’s-ever-been, I-can’t-believe-that-just-happened moments.    Just when we think it can’t get worse (don’t ever say that out loud), it does.  And does.  And then does, … Continue reading Triggered