How to TALK so People Will LISTEN

Today’s Peripheral Wisdom post shares the 3rd and final piece of Communication Hints – how to TALK SO PEOPLE WILL LISTEN. We’ve discussed handling conflict in general (Click Here), and how to be a better Listener (Click Here), and now we are ready to SPEAK. You’d think we’d be pros at speaking, because we’ve been … Continue reading How to TALK so People Will LISTEN

How To Disagree Without Being (Too) Disagreeable

Cowboys or Seahawks.   Red states or blue states.  Chocolate or Vanilla.  Cats or dogs.  Toilet paper over the roll or under.   ProLife or ProChoice.  Fries or onion rings.   God or no God.  Chili with beans or without.   Creation or Evolution or Both or Neither.  Glass half full or half empty.  As long as there are … Continue reading How To Disagree Without Being (Too) Disagreeable

Milestone Moments

Prom. Graduation:  High School.  College.  Kindergarten. 1st “real” job. Weddings. Engagements. First House. Empty Nesting. New Babies. The Milestone Months of May and June are filled with important life event Moments in the lives of our kids.  These events are enormously important in a family, because when one family member reaches a milestone, the rest … Continue reading Milestone Moments