The Importance of Facing Your Fears

Fear can paralyze you. Coming home from the YMCA last evening, after a much needed workout, I heard something on the radio that really made me think.  The station was running an advertisement for some seminar or speaking engagement or book signing or something, and the ad guy made a statement that kind of shocked me. … Continue reading The Importance of Facing Your Fears

Three (4) Things About… PATIENCE

THREE (4) THINGS ABOUT… PATIENCE Earlier today, a friend of mine was telling me about the preparations she was making for some upcoming daycare evaluations by the state licensing board.  The conversation was going along pretty much as you’d expect. But then she started talking about coloring.  And soup.    She was concerned about the … Continue reading Three (4) Things About… PATIENCE

Three (4) Things About… Feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling overwhelmed?  If so, you aren’t alone.  Even though many of us have just had some vacation time during the holidays, and only 11 days ago started a New Year full of optimism and commitment, a bunch of us are feeling anything but encouraged and rested.  It’s common – and really frustrating – to find yourself … Continue reading Three (4) Things About… Feeling Overwhelmed

Three Things About… DEALING WITH GRIEF

Have you ever experienced grief so heavy and heart-wrenching that it was hard to breathe?  So overwhelming and impactful that colors seemed duller, sounds less vibrant, and experiences less fulfilling than they did “before”?  Did you start to believe that you’d never feel happy again, never be able to be “normal” again?  Did you ever … Continue reading Three Things About… DEALING WITH GRIEF